
So I Suppose This is When Things Get Real

Alright, so this is one of those posts about school.

Mostly because I keep having the following thoughts like 5 million times a day….

“Holy Moly, I am in 5th term!”

“Wait, I actually survived 4th term?”

“Crap, I have to go to the hospital and know stuff” (p.s. I do know stuff, promise!)

“Oh, Boards…yea lets not think too hard about that one”

“Oh my gosh, we leave Grenada in like 4 months!”

Anyways, the point is – time is flying! It is hard to believe the classroom part of this whole adventure of med school is ending. We are quickly approaching all of the exciting hands-on learning. And in like a year from now I will be researching residency slots and filling out apps and starting to gear up for interviews! While the thought of another round of interviews and applications makes me slightly nauseous and our bank account weep a little, it is still crazy that we are flying through this life stage rapidly barreling towards the next.

The first wake-up call came in the form of an email greeting.

Um, Yea

Yep, that says Doctor. I mean, it is technically premature since I don’t exactly have a degree, but that is clearly not the point. Now this also represents the stupid application for my Board exam (USMLE Step 1) I take this summer which will only be THE most important exam I ever take in my life!!!! No pressure!

Anyways, all of that is to say that I think I am getting excited to see the light at the end of the tunnel showing its (while very dim) head reminding me that there is in fact an end.

This past Wednesday was my first rotation here in Grenada at the hospital. I landed myself in Orthopedics. We spent the morning with an orthopedic surgeon doing post-op visits and examinations. Not only was our first patient awesome (6 weeks post major vehicular trauma with some x-rays that even made my skin crawl) but it was great to be thrown in an exam room with a patient and left to put to good use all that we have been learning and practicing. We still have a lot to learn, but real patients are SO much better than fake patients and textbooks.

This should be an exciting term ahead. Hard, exhausting, but exciting. It is nice to be rounding the final stretch, the downhill coat to the finish line of what I am calling Med School, Part 1.

As always, be praying for us as we spend yet another few months being ridiculously busy and exhausted. But also be prayerful and thankful as we finish this life adventure and move on to a new one.