I feel like a great place to start is to take a moment to recap the wedding.
May 7th, 2011 I woke up and it felt like any ordinary day in so many ways. I washed my face, ate some breakfast. It started to feel different when I pulled out a wedding dress as the days attire instead of my good ol’ jeans and favorite shirt. It was daunting to think about what a momentous day it was – it was simply incomprehendable.

The most memorable moment for me was standing there just before Tyler and I’s first look. I remember standing with all my bridesmaids gathered around ready to walk up behind him. Our photographer captured a pretty good picture of my mindset, which was a sort of “this is it” big deep breath as I realized that we were walking towards our point of no return. Tyler, in all of his greatness, made it even better by doing a huge
jump around turn when I tapped him and giving me a huge, classic Tyler “HEY!” before giving me a huge hug. But I know I will never forget the feelings of excitement and joy flowing through my veins as I walked up behind him. As the both of us reflected back on the day we both agreed that our first look was one of the best parts of the whole thing. We got a chance, if even for just a second, to look at each other and say “today, we’re getting married!”
The ceremony was great, although admittedly it is hard to remember all of the words that were said. Mike, our officiant, could not have been a more perfect person to marry us and I know that there could not have been someone up there with us that was more overjoyed and more proud to see us get married. It was great having so many family and friends there with us and in looking through the pictures we were able to fully see all of the 150 faces that were watching us. It is pretty amazing that those 25 minutes that we stood up on that altar completely changed our lives forever. We know it is truly one of the greatest decisions that we will ever make.
The reception that followed was such a blast. I have to hand it to my good
friend Melissa, also my wedding coordinator, for working hard to make my ideas and visions come to life. The reception flew by and we sincerely wish we could have spent more time with everyone that was there celebrating with us. But the whole afternoon was filled with good times, some heartfelt speeches, Tyler’s fantastic dance skills (okay, maybe not) and some delicious cupcakes. We got so caught up in everything that we almost forgot about the cake cutting altogether. However, since Tyler decided to smash the cake in my face, perhaps we should have just forgotten it 😉
We owe many thanks to our fantastic wedding party. They truly were a big help and support and we were so blessed to have so many close friends there with us. And they were also good for some laughs for just being their great, ridiculous, amazing selves.

Looking back at everything now, it is sometimes hard to believe we are married. The new reality has yet to set-in and it is sometimes crazy to remember that just 3 weeks ago was our wedding. But then at the same time, it feels like we have been married for a long time. We are comfortable together and love being around each other and I think that there is something very natural about living together (minus getting used to each other’s quirks). We are so excited to get to experience life together and are excited to begin our many journeys and are loving getting to know each other more each day.

If you would like to see some more images from the day, check out our photographers blog. He seriously could not have captured the day better.
Also, if you want to read about our story, then you can do that here.