
Summer Adventures Thus Far

So I should probably take the time to blog about our move and post up pictures of the beautiful new apartment and all of that, but that is just so much work. After trying to get through all the pictures from our vacation, I just want to write about adventures.

Summer so far has been great! It is so nice to have time where I am not supposed to be doing something every minute of every day. I have been able to cook every meal again and that has been fantastic! Tyler is loving having me home to make delicious lunches for him most days and he is loving eating my home cooking every night instead of having to resort to quick food near campus because of exam studying.

Also, since getting into our new apartment we have been able to have dinner parties again which is pretty much the greatest thing ever for us. We just love to to entertain people. I love to make lots of food for a crowd and Tyler loves offering our home up and we love bringing people over to share with them all of the quirky things we have collected that now fill our new home. Honestly, having a new place with more than two plates, more than two chairs, and a couple couches is probably the best thing for our sanity, our marriage, and for building our community here than we could ever imagine. We have already bonded close with a couple people who are here for the summer and are not super busy studying for term 4 or boards that we probably would never have gotten to know so well otherwise. And people here often appreciate a place to come to get some good home cooking and we love blessing people with that.

On Sunday we met a girl who is here as an exchange student working at the General Hospital for 3 weeks from Greece. She is here by herself and living on campus with everyone that is studying hardcore for exams. We got introduced to her at church and were able to have her over for dinner which was such a blessing. It is so great getting to know her and blessing her with some friends she can hang out with, people who can share with her more about the island, and meeting a couple who genuinely loves living here and is willing to bring her along on our adventures. And it forces us to go and make plans to do fun stuff so we are pretty excited to start spending more time enjoying what Grenada has to offer anyways.

The last big thing Tyler and I have been doing this summer is we volunteered to take over leading the weekly church services through CSA. We signed up for it mostly because we knew we were the only ones that would be here all summer with no obligations, but I know I have found it much more rewarding that I would have expected. The group is smaller and people spend more time socializing and it has allowed us more time to feel a part of the group rather than feeling like we say every week in a large room with a bunch of strangers. And of course, if we were not the ones up front leading on Sunday I am positive we would not have gotten introduced to the Greek student and asked if we could show her around.

All in all, summer is off to a marvelous start. And my new sticker for my new laptop finally arrived and today should be the first day of my summer USMLE studying. So all in all, a great day! More soon!