
This Week’s Weather Forecast

Well, it’s a typical Saturday night here in Grenada for the Paulsons. I’m sitting on the bed reading and Stefanie is playing the Lord of the Rings soundtrack trying to get herself in the zone for some hardcore studying while snacking on the Trinidadian equivalent to Cheetos.

For dinner we had tostadas topped with all the delicious local vegetables I bought at the market this morning (and the jalapeƱos I found at the supermarket this week!). I think the women at the market are starting to know me as the husband with a list of vegetables to buy that he didn’t know all existed (what on earth is a shallot?) and they’re really nice to me once they realize this.

While I was downtown, I grabbed my first Grenadian newspaper. This week Grenadian runner Kirani James won the gold medal in the 400m race at the World Championships and I wanted to read more about it; needless to say, people are pretty excited here. I hung out at a local orphanage this afternoon with some friends from the on-campus Christian fellowship and two of the girls smiled when I told them I could bring them a picture of Kirani next week. They also challenged me to a race. I have a feeling the American might come in second just like at the championships.

While I was flipping through the newspaper, I found the week’s weather forecast and it was just so funny that I had to post it. Lots of variety here!

This Week's Weather Forecast

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I'm a husband, father, web designer and front-end developer based in Philadelphia.