
Pizza and Coke

Friday nights in med school often have to be productive nights, but getting ourselves motivated to come back up to campus and work all night after Stefanie gets out of class can be challenging so we’re always looking for new strategies…

Last night we decided to go to Bananas for some pre-studying grub. Bananas is the happening bar / grill / night club down the street from school. We got there at 5pm, about 5 hours before it becomes a happening bar / grill / night club. We grabbed a seat at the bar and ordered a pizza and two cokes and spent an hour recapping the day and chowing down.

We’re pretty sure the staff is rather confused by us and now knows us as the weird couple that comes in really early and orders a pizza and no alcohol. Case in point, we were walking towards the bus terminal downtown this morning and one of the bartenders at Bananas came up to us and said “hey, I recognize you two!”

So we’re not sure if it was the caffeine, the spicy jalapeños, or the special treat of having ham and pepperoni; we were both in a seriously hardcore working / studying mode last night. We cranked for six straight hours (mostly) until we looked up and realized it was 12:30am and we should probably head home.

Needless to say – there will be another pizza and coke night coming up soon.

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I'm a husband, father, web designer and front-end developer based in Philadelphia.