This question is one we pose to all patients whenever we see them, why are you here? It’s the most essential part of caring for them. Well, being in a missions hospital means some of the stories are a bit exotic. I have collected some of my favorites below. Most of these a local would never have thought twice about. This why I love getting to practice medicine in as many settings as possible.
1) 45 year old woman went down to get some water when she was attacked by a hippopotamus. Fortunately, she was able to run away but, along the way, she tripped and sustained a severe wrist fracture.
2) 12 year old boy who drank some Tink (a poisonous substance used to wash udders of cows) who passed out and was attached by a couple hyenas, presents with apnea and bite wounds.
3) 52 year old woman who was tending to the cows when she was head-butted by one and broke her hip.